Newsletter - Chips Off The Rock
I hope everyone’s summer has gotten off to a good start. I know some people have already been making summer trips; I’m sure others will as well as we move into July.
Missy and I enjoyed a quick trip to my home community of Wayland, Iowa over Father’s Day weekend. This trip came about after we learned that Guy would be at Crooked Creek Christian Camp near Wayland for the month of June and the first week of July as he completed his time of service with Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program before his return to Chad.
Guy seemed to be enjoying helping out at the camp. We enjoyed showing him around south-east Iowa, driving by the farm where I grew up, taking him to the cemetery where my parents are buried, and eating at a favorite restaurant. We also spent some time in Iowa City and drove by Kinnick Stadium and Carver-Hawkeye arena where we took pictures with a statue of Herkey outside the arena – and got to meet a real-life Hawkeye when a member of the Iowa women’s basketball team came by on her way into the arena. That evening we found an Africa-inspired restaurant in Iowa City called “I Love Fufu.” (Fufu is a traditional African food that is familiar to Guy from his home country of Chad.) On Sunday morning, Guy went with us to Sugar Creek Mennonite Church, the congregation I grew up in.
The first week of July I, and others from Rock Run, will travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the Church of the Brethren’s Annual Conference. I look forward to this opportunity to gather with other Brethren from around the country to worship and fellowship together and to attend to the business of the denomination. Tim S. is serving as Rock Run’s delegate to Annual Conference this year.
Then in the second week in July, I will travel the short distance to Camp Mack where I, along with Norm, will be helping to provide leadership for a Samplers Camp again this year. I enjoyed having the opportunity to do this last year and look forward to another good experience at Camp Mack this year.
On July 7, since I will still be at Annual Conference, Troy has agreed to do another musical reflection on the piano in lieu of a sermon that morning. The following Sunday, July 14, we will have special guest speaker Malinda Berry, professor at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, with us. Malinda will lead the Sunday school class that morning and then will preach during the worship service. (For more information about Malinda, see the biographical sketch about her elsewhere in this issue of Chips.)
May God guide us and protect us as we come and go this summer. May our travels bring new experiences and refreshment. And may our fellowship when we are able to again gather back together continue to strengthen our faith, encourage our lives of fellowship, and deepen the ties that bind us together as a loving and caring faith family.
Pastor John
Northern Indiana District News
Church of the Brethren News